Gas Conservation

Energy conservation is always an important issue. Not only can you save quite a bit of money on your monthly bill, you can do some other things as well. The Long Beach Utilities Department has provided 9 ways you can conserve energy in your home.

Keep Warm in Winter

For heating, set the thermostat at 68 degrees Fahrenheit during the day, 60 degrees Fahrenheit at night and turn it off when you are away or on vacation.

You may want to consider the purchase and installation of a clock thermostat for your furnace that turns the heat down automatically when you are away or asleep and brings the temperature back to a comfortable level before you return or get up.

For every degree you lower heating in the 60 to 70 degree range, you will save up to three percent on heating costs. Seniors and people with special heating needs should check with their doctors before changing normal home temperatures.

By installing insulation, a homeowner can cut up to 20 percent off a heating or cooling bill. The attic is one of the most important places to insulate. The insulation's R-value is the measure of how well insulation keeps warm air from escaping through it. The higher the number, the greater the insulating value.

Keep Attic Vents Open

Ventilation above the attic insulation lets moisture escape, preventing damage to insulation in the winter and keeps attics cooler in summer.

Stop Air Leaks

Gaps and holes where plumbing pipes and wires enter the home and around exhaust fans and vents as they exit the home should be caulked and stuffed with insulation.

Cut Air Drafts

If you can see daylight or feel a draft through a crack under or over a door, you may want to consider weather stripping.

Two Ways to Save on Heating Water

If you have a dishwasher, set the temperature to 130-135 degrees. If you do not have a dishwasher, a setting of 120 degrees Fahrenheit is considered efficient and sanitary and will help prevent scalding injuries. For every degree you lower the temperature on a 40-gallon gas water heater, you will save about 1.5 therms a year. A water heater insulation wrap keeps heat from being lost through the tank walls.

Use Windows to your Advantage During the Winter

Open draperies to let the sunshine in on bright days. Consider using insulated draperies and shades. Close draperies or pull down shades at night, or when temperatures drop.

Monitor Your Fireplace

Keep the damper closed unless you have a fire going. An open damper can let up to 8 percent of the home's heat escape out the chimney. Glass doors on the fireplace can help stop air leakage. If you use the fireplace to heat your home, investigate a blower to circulate the warm air.

Your Energy Guide to Savings

Estimated yearly energy cost:

  • A range of estimated yearly energy costs of competing models in the same product category
  • A statement that energy costs will vary with local rates and individual use patterns
  • A table showing the energy cost of the appliance based on a range of utility rates and, when applicable, on consumer use patterns
  • Ask your salesperson to show you how you can use this Energy Guide label to compute the payback time for energy-efficient appliances.

Download our Energy Efficiency tips guide(PDF, 1MB) here.



  • Set heating thermostat at 68 degrees for one (1) hour in morning and night to take the chill off your home, then turn thermostat completely off.
  • Weather-strip around doors.
  • Caulk cracks around doors and windows.
  • Close fireplace dampers when not in use.


  • Set water heater thermostat to "low" or a lower setting and see if that is sufficient for your needs; increase thermostat setting if necessary.
  • Turn down the pilot to "pilot only" when you are away for extended periods of time.


  • Spring Cleaning Time! Take advantage of our free refuse pick-up, available two times per year.


  • On sunny days, let the sun shine in by opening blinds or draperies during the day; and close them just before sunset.


  • Remember, if the grass in your lawn springs back as you walk on it, water is not necessary.
  • Remove weeds. They steal water needed by ornamentals.


  • Check anywhere water may have collected and dispose of it. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water.


  • Do not use the hose to clean sidewalks or paths, use a broom; conserve water!


  • Match pot size to burner size and use lids when cooking. Do laundry in cold or warm water.


  • Now is the time to have your furnace inspected and cleaned before winter. Don't forget to replace the filter if your furnace has one.


  • Now is the time to call (562) 570-2100 for furnace pilot lighting. We will also do a safety check on your furnace, although we will not make repairs. We schedule in two four hour time periods and an adult must be present for us to enter the premises. The first pilot lighting each year is free of charge, but please call now before temperatures drop.


Prepare for the Coming Winter Season:

  • If you have a forced air furnace, change the filter. This will make your furnace run more efficient.
  • Make sure a water heater insulation wrap surrounds your water heater. This will help you conserve gas.
  • If you feel a draft coming through your doors or windows, use weather-strips.
  • These simple tips will save you money this winter.


  • Most increases in gas use during the winter is a result of space heating.
  • The best temperature for your space heater's thermostat is 68 degrees or below. Before bedtime consider turning it down or completely off. Using this simple tip will save you money during the winter season.