Water-Saving Tips for Residents

Small steps. Big savings.
Saving water every day is the Long Beach way. Small water-wise habits make a big difference. There are many diverse ways to save water both indoors and outdoors, whether you live in an apartment, condominium or house.
Turf Replacement
If you are a residential customer looking to remove your turf grass, contact LawnToGarden@lbwater.org. The Lawn-to-Garden program provides an incentive of $3.00 per square foot for front yards and $2.00 per square foot for backyards, up to 5,000 square feet. For more information about the Lawn-to-Garden incentive and to apply, please visit www.lblawntogarden.com.

Pool and Spa
- Use a pool cover to significantly reduce water lost to evaporation. Pool covers also reduce the need for chemicals and reduce energy costs for heated pools
- Shut off all water features including waterfalls and fountains to reduce water loss and evaporation
- Check the pool periodically for leaks
- Use a cartridge pool filter which does not require backwashing
- Incorporate a pre-filter into your system which can reduce the water needed to clean sand and cartridge filters
- Keep pools and pool filters clean to minimize the frequency of filter backwashing
- If possible, utilize filter backwash water on lawns or shrubs (if chlorine levels are acceptable at less than 3 mg/L)
- Check automatic timers to adjust the frequency and duration
- Lower pool temperatures to reduce the water lost to evaporation and save energy
- Plug the overflow line when pool is in use

Irrigation and Landscaping
- Turn sprinklers off before, during and after rainstorms
- Fix broken or misaligned sprinklers
- Put mulch under shrubs and trees
- Water at dawn or dusk
- Install a soil moisture sensor system
- Stick to the watering schedule
- Switch traditional sprinklers to high efficiency rotary sprinklers
- Install a weather-based irrigation controller

Cleaning and Maintenance
- Use a broom to clean driveways and patios instead of a hose
- Use a shut-off nozzle on the hose when washing your car. Better yet, take your car to a carwash, which often uses less water than you would at home. Many also use recycled water. LBG Express Car Wash recycles over 90% of water used. This allows them to use about 14 gallons of fresh water per car, which is less than most washing machines.

In the Kitchen
- Run the dishwasher only when full
- Fix leaky faucets
- Instead of using water to thaw frozen foods, use the fridge to defrost overnight
- Reuse water, such as from rinsing produce or boiling pasta (let it cool first!) to water the garden

In the Laundry Room
- Wash only full laundry loads
- Change to a high efficiency clothes washer

In the Bathroom
- When lathering don’t run the water
- Turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth
- Fill the bathtub halfway or less
- Take a one-song-shower
- Shave with the water off
- Flush wisely
- Install a low-flow showerhead
- Change to a high efficiency toilet using available rebates